#83: Make More Sales By Telling The Right Story with Colin Boyd

Welcome to The Creator's Adventure where we interview creators from around the world, hearing their stories about growing a business.

Today's guest, Colin Boyd, will teach us how to better communicate with our audience through the power of storytelling, and how to increase sales by telling the right stories.

Colin Boyd is obsessed with helping experts and entrepreneurs grow their businesses through live stages and webinars.

He does keynotes at conferences around the world on the topic of persuasive communication.

Colin is a CSP, NLP practitioner, ICF certified coach, and his clients include Coca-Cola, Suncorp, Fuji Xero, and Hewlett Packard, to name a few.

His signature program Sell From Stage Academy® helps people create and deliver presentations that connect with their audience and convert them into clients. He's an Aussie who now lives in Newport Beach, California, with his wife and two little kids.

Learn more about Colin Boyd: http://colinboyd.co


Colin Boyd [00:00:00]:

And they're like, oh my gosh. This is like the best course I've ever done. Guys, you gotta do this. Like, it's kinda rare to get positive comments on a Facebook ad.

Bryan McAnulty [00:00:07]:

Welcome to the creator's adventure where we interview creators from around the world hearing their stories about growing a business. Today's guest is going to teach you how to build a conversion story for your brand. Hey, everyone. I'm Brian McAnulty, the founder of Heights Platform. Let's get into it. Hey, everyone. We're here today with Colin Boyd, and he is obsessed with helping experts and entrepreneurs grow their businesses through live stages and webinars. He does keynotes at conferences around the world on the topic of persuasive communication.

Bryan McAnulty [00:00:44]:

Colin is a CSP, NLP practitioner, ICF certified coach, and his clients include Coca Cola, Suncorp, Fuji Zero, and Hewlett Packard to name a few. His signature program, sell from stage academy, helps people create and deliver presentations that connect with their audience and convert them into clients. He's an Aussie who now lives in Newport Beach, California with his wife and 2 little kids. Colin, welcome to the show.

Colin Boyd [00:01:14]:

Thanks, Brian. Hey. It's great to be here.

Bryan McAnulty [00:01:17]:

Yeah. Glad to have you. So my first question for you is, what would you say is the biggest thing either that you did or you are doing that has helped you to achieve the freedom to do what you enjoy?

Colin Boyd [00:01:30]:

I mean, the area that I that I have become obsessed about is is using stages whether a virtual or live stages to grow your audience, to convert clients, and to really serve people on a greater level. So I would say there's, like, 2 answers to this question. It was probably a1000, but, 2 core answers that come to mind. One of them is any chance that I had to either create a stage or do a presentation, I I did. And and I did it afraid. I did it just, you know, sometimes literally my hands shaking, my my knees knocking, and, freaked out, but that has significantly grown my influence and my audience, very quickly over the last in fact, I've been doing this for 14 years now, so it's just continued to grow over the over that period. And so that's the first thing. The second thing I would say for me has just been continuing to invest in myself along that journey, putting myself in programs, putting myself in higher level experiences and getting access to greater tools, all that sort of stuff.

Colin Boyd [00:02:39]:

I would say, if I look back over the journey of the 14 years, the people who started with me and the people who and whether they're, whether they're still around or not, I think very much depends on whether they chose to keep on growing as an entrepreneur, and that meant, you know, being in the right rooms and going to conferences, investing yourself, getting a coach. That to me has just been game changing. So those 2 things, I would say, the vehicle itself actually speaking and then just continuing to invest in myself has just changed the game for me.

Bryan McAnulty [00:03:12]:

Cool. I'm curious. What gave you, like, the the driver, like, the reason behind saying, like, I'm gonna go do this and speak on all these things even if you're nervous about it.

Colin Boyd [00:03:21]:

Well, for me, when I first started out as a coach, in fact, I started as a life coach, and I was fascinated about the life coach methodology and and really just unlocking people's potential just through questions and and and great conversations. And it was just a fascinating idea, and and I found it meaningful. And but the problem was is I had I had no one to talk to. Like, I had no Heights. And so I had this great idea of being a life coach, but I had no clients. And what happened was I got an invite to speak at an event. It was a free event, so I wasn't getting paid for it. And it was from a friend who had that as a as an event, but he couldn't make the he couldn't make the evening.

Colin Boyd [00:04:04]:

He he wasn't available. And so he referred me into it, and I ended up, going to that presentation completely freaked out. I remember, like, months leading up to this free presentation, my wife and I would be walking around the, you know, the local area. And I'm just you know, I'm I'm in a terrible place emotionally just thinking this is gonna be horrible. People are gonna not like my content. They're gonna think that I'm not good enough. They're not gonna like what I have to say, like, all that stuff that we come up with in our in our own head. And I remember getting into that night just so afraid, and I got up and I spoke.

Colin Boyd [00:04:42]:

I did the best presentation that I could at the night, after quite a lot of practice. And then at the end, I made an offer. It was my 1st presentation. I just made an offer at the end, which was to it was a free offer for to do some coaching with me. And what happened was there was a 137 people there at the event, and a 125 of them gave me their details to do coaching with me. Wow. And I followed almost all of them up, and I ended up signing about 15 full time coaching clients. So I literally went from 0 clients to 15 coach coaching clients 1 on 1.

Colin Boyd [00:05:20]:

That was when I was doing a lot of 1 on 1 stuff. And then 4 days later, a director at HP calls me and goes, Colin, we loved your presentation. I was I was in the room the other day when you spoke. Could you come and speak at our next global training day, which ended up having 5 a half 1000 people 5 a half 1000 HP employees, that was my 1st ever paid speaking gig. And what was crazy was that was that now I reflect on it, and it was that 1 event completely shifted the trajectory of my life. And this was before online courses were a thing. Even webinars weren't really a thing back there. You know? It it was just this one experience that completely shifted the trajectory of my life, and then that got me obsessed with this idea of what does it mean to speak in a way that really sells and moves the moves an audience.

Colin Boyd [00:06:10]:

And then now I've had the opportunity to coach people all around the world. In fact, I've coached, like, Amy Porterfield, who runs Digital Course Academy, Jenna Kutcher, Carrie Green, female entrepreneur association. Like, I've I've had the chance to coach literally the biggest people in the world, and it all started in that one event where I was just freaking out, and and then that changed the trajectory trajectory on my life.

Bryan McAnulty [00:06:32]:

Wow. Yeah. Well, I feel like there's a great lesson there to to do those things even that you're nervous about and create that opportunity for yourself because, yeah, if you don't do it, you never you never know what can come from it. And, also, I feel like it's it's something that we we tell creators that you want to you wanna create as many of those kind of opportunities for yourself as possible because, like, it may not happen the very first time that you do something, but that doesn't mean that you should just stop. You wanna just create multiple opportunities. And because, like, often it is like when you have something like that, the 1st time you did it and everything works out, like, that is so inspirational. Like, really, like, it can just drive you, and, like, completely shift everything as you're saying. But, if that doesn't happen right away, you wanna, like, keep creating these opportunities to make that possible because, like, yeah, everything you mentioned, like, even if a couple of those things went right, like, that would still be phenomenal.

Bryan McAnulty [00:07:29]:


Colin Boyd [00:07:29]:

Well, I would say for me, Brian, the virtual stages were a lot slower. So that was an example of a live stage, but when I started doing webinars, I didn't get the results I wanted. And at the time, I was actually teaching productivity. And I remember my first, like, webinar, I I promoted a lot on social media. I was getting really excited about selling my 1st online course, and I was like, oh my gosh. This is gonna be amazing. And I ended up getting 600 people to sign up to the webinar. This is back in the day when, you know, Facebook actually gave you algorithm reach.

Colin Boyd [00:08:04]:

You know, you could reach out to as many people as you wanted. There was no, like, rules. It was literally the wild wild west. Right? And so I I marketed that as hard as I could with just everyone I knew. I ended up getting 600 signed up, and I was like, oh my gosh. This is gonna change my life. And I did the webinar, and I and I sold 1 product. I was absolutely so disappointed.

Colin Boyd [00:08:28]:

Like, absolutely so because I'd put so much time and effort into my digital course. And then I realized, well, maybe I I first question I asked was, what's wrong with my course? And then I realized I was like, no. My course is actually really good. And then I asked the 2nd question, which is what's wrong with the way I'm positioning my course? And I got obsessed about that idea of how do you communicate the value of what you do without coming off, like, sales y and all that sort of stuff? How do you communicate that value still? And then that went on my webinar journey, and and then I remember doing, like, my my first, like, 3 k webinar and then, like, a 5 k webinar, and I stayed that for a little while and then went to, like, a 10. And then I remember jumping to, like, a 50. And then and I'll never forget my first $100,000 webinar where I did a 100 100 g's in 1 hour. And I'm like, oh my gosh. Like, this is I feel like I'd cracked the code.

Colin Boyd [00:09:19]:

And that made me obsessed then about how do we do webinars better, and so that's essentially what I teach people now. But at the time, I was teaching productivity. I wasn't teaching how to sell on a webinar or anything like that.

Bryan McAnulty [00:09:32]:

Yeah. Okay. Cool. Very interesting. So then, yes, the sell from stage academy that you have that helps people turn these presentations into money making machines. Can you outline, like, what's a few key principles from that program that our listeners could apply to their presentations?

Colin Boyd [00:09:52]:

So one principle to start with is a mindset one, which is the idea that when you sell, you're actually serving your audience on the next level. And so one of the resistances that I get a lot from people is is they feel they feel bad selling. You know? They feel they feel bad. They feel, oh my gosh. I'm taking money off people. They just they feel like they're taking something off people. And the problem with that type of energy around selling is you're not gonna want to do it. Right? And the foundation of any business is that it makes money, it makes profit, and you make sales.

Colin Boyd [00:10:30]:

But when you think about it, you've got 2 audiences. You've got the audience that you serve for free, and then you got the audience that you serve for a fee. Now if you think about your audience already, your listeners, they think about their audience. Right? Where do people get the best results? Do they get the best results in the free content, or do they get the best results in the fee based content? It's always the fee based. Like, all your testimonials probably, pretty much all of them, will be from anything you did where someone paid money. And so the realization is is that you're gonna get the best results with people when they pay money. And it's not that your free stuff's bad or wrong. Like, you should be giving free stuff away.

Colin Boyd [00:11:17]:

That's part of the journey. But until you realize that serving is actually sorry. Selling on a you know, in any platform is opening the door to serve your audience on a greater level. And when you have that revelation, it takes a lot of resistance out of the selling process, and you feel a lot more comfortable making an offer. And so that's the first, like, one principle. There's about the 5 kind of sections that we move through in our academy. But the 1st section is mindset, and and you have to get over some of those blocks that you have in your mind or else you will not move forward. So that's, like, 1 mindset principle.

Colin Boyd [00:12:00]:

I'll give you 1, strategy principle around teaching. One one idea is that when you most people make the mistake when they're creating a webinar or a presentation where they wanna make an offer is they go back to their course and they ask what's the best content or what's some really cool content I have in my course that I can put in my webinar so that it just at least shows the audience that I know what I'm talking about. I'm good at what I do, and it's really helpful for the audience. And, hopefully, they'll think, oh my gosh. I got for free. Imagine what it's like when I pay. Imagine what I'll get. Now the problem with that is that most of the time, if you use that approach, you're going to overwhelm your audience with too many things to do because you're probably gonna go into how to teaching.

Colin Boyd [00:12:53]:

You're gonna teach a lot of tactics, a lot of steps, strategies, and things like that. And what happens is it actually just puts the audience into procrastination mode. You've just given them a whole bunch of more things to do before they get they actually get really committed. Because at that point, when you're teaching someone, they're not as committed as they think they are. See, most people when they're listening to a webinar, maybe they wanna learn how to, you know, sell on a stage or whatever it is, sell on a webinar. They think they're committed because they're listening to the webinar, and and they they are committed a little bit. But to be frank, it isn't until you you fully commit, and that is committing with money, committing with time, committing with focus, like a real decision. It isn't until you make a real decision that you're gonna see any significant results.

Colin Boyd [00:13:44]:

And so the free stuff is part of the preparation for them to make a decision. And so when you think about your your content of your presentation, don't just go to your course for your content. You wanna really think about what is the content I need to put in this presentation to bring my audience to a place of congruent decision where they go, this is the exact thing I wanna go after and move forward towards because I can see that that's gonna get me the result I want. So one of the principles around creating content is the idea of of creating content based around decision making and commitment increasing as opposed to just heaps of how to content and giving them lots of things to do.

Bryan McAnulty [00:14:26]:

Yeah. I mean, I can attest to that. Like, I'm sure, like, I've experienced examples of that happening, like, either the wrong way or myself, like, getting all this information from somebody about something. And I'm like, well, that's really cool. That's that's a lot of stuff I have to do. Okay. I'll I'll get to that. And, like, it's not it's not putting me in this this mindset of decision like you're saying that, like, I'm saying, okay.

Bryan McAnulty [00:14:51]:

I'm I'm going to do this now. You're right. It's, like, it's overwhelming that you realize, oh, there's all these things. Okay. I I just have to put that to the side for now, but what you wanna do is get them to make that decision. That's actually one of the reasons I'm kind of against people offering, like, free trials to their course because you're building up all of this desire along that process to get the person to make this decision. And if you say, like, here. Go.

Bryan McAnulty [00:15:17]:

You can just check out my course for free. I'll I'll prove it to you. Like, it's I really made it. Then you're, like, cutting that desire off because they get in there, they see it, and they're like, okay. Yeah. That's cool. And then they forget about it, and then they they don't buy. It is is that same kind of thing of, it's potentially a little bit overwhelming, and they're out of that mode in in making a decision about it.

Bryan McAnulty [00:15:39]:

So you want to show the person, like, hey. These are like, this is the path that we can go on. And now if this is what you want, like, we can now come to the decision. Like, do you wanna move forward with this? And it's not only better for you to make the sales, but it's better for you because they're going to be actually engaged in, like, getting a result from you, which is what you want. You want to be able to serve your customer as best as possible.

Colin Boyd [00:16:05]:

Mhmm. Yeah. I love that. I completely agree. For me, I would prefer them to purchase. So what we teach is to purchase a smaller course first. At least it's something where they make a transaction, and they're they're they're showing some level of commitment. Start with a smaller course if you if, you know, if if you know your audience or or if your audience isn't ready for your signature course, start with a smaller course and just get them to make small commitments that level, and then you can take them along that journey to some bigger courses.

Bryan McAnulty [00:16:38]:

Yeah. Yeah. I completely agree. I think that's that's also a great way to do it because it once they purchase the smaller course, they're also taking some steps forward that they're building this habit of of now making the decision to move forward. And it's much easier than for them to say, like, okay. Now I'm gonna do the big course. I'm I'm ready to fully dive into it, instead of just, like, throwing them off the cliff and saying, like, here, let's let's do the big course.

Colin Boyd [00:17:02]:

So true. Like, I know for us, we implemented a strategy where we have a a mini course, and it's around storytelling. And so our business model is there's, like, a mini course. It's called the conversion story formula, and it's it's lit the program's literally, like, 90 minutes. It's really short. But so there's no fluff. It's just straight into it. It teaches you exactly what they need to learn, and then it gets them to take action right away.

Colin Boyd [00:17:29]:

It actually gets them to share their story. In fact, I have, like, a a promise that they'll be sharing their signature story or what I call your conversion story in under 48 hours. So for most people, they've been waiting, like, you know, 4 to 8 years to share their conversion story properly, and I'll get it we'll get it ready in 48 hours and shared. And so it's like a it's a small commitment. Right? It's a lower priced program. And but it just it the feedback is just and the credibility it builds is just incredible. In fact, you know, in my Facebook Ads account, I'll get I'll get comments on my Facebook Ads of people coming back who who've done the little mini course, and they're like, oh my gosh. This is, like, the best course I've ever done.

Colin Boyd [00:18:13]:

Guys, you gotta do this. Like like, it's kinda rare to get positive comments on a Facebook ad. And so but for me, it was just like an indicator that, you know, this is we're doing the right thing is that we're building some credibility on the front end even if it's just a small decision. And then when they're ready, they can continue on that journey if they wanna build out the whole thing.

Bryan McAnulty [00:18:32]:

Yeah. Yeah. That's great. And I mean, like, those listening to this right now, like, you can probably picture, like, moments yourself. Like, if you're building a course, a community, whatever it is, like, that was a a big step for you to go ahead and actually go through that whole thing. You know? And so you want to, like, as a creator, build these faster feedback loops for yourself where you can take action, get something back from that, and then progress with it instead of just here's this giant daunting goal that maybe something will happen a month or 2 or 3 from now.

Colin Boyd [00:19:06]:

Yeah. I like that. I know for me when even when I launched self from Stage Academy, our signature program I mean, when I launched it, I I had no course. Like, there was literally nothing built. I launched it for a couple $100, and it was like a 6 week Zoom session program. I had no name. It was, like, Collins speaking program, I think it was called. And, and and I'd like, I didn't put off trying to get it perfect.

Colin Boyd [00:19:33]:

I actually just took them through it. And then after the feedback and that like you said, that quick feedback loop, I was able to actually get great testimonials, and then I went and booked, you know, the full blown studio and built it all out, and it is what it is now. But but but I think a lot of the times, yeah, we put very high kind of standards on ourselves, which is great, but it also, like, stops the the feedback. And if you think about perfectionism, to make something perfect, the only way to do it is to really get feedback. And so the faster you can get feedback on something, the better. And for me, I'm like, I wanna produce something to a standard where I'm where I'm, like, happy with it, but I'm looking for feedback so that I can actually perfect it. And then it and then it just gets better.

Bryan McAnulty [00:20:19]:

Yeah. Definitely. So, yeah, you mentioned you have coached some pretty high profile names like Amy Porterfield, Jenna Kutcher, and others. Can you share maybe, like, a success story or key insight from coaching them that our listeners could learn from?

Colin Boyd [00:20:39]:

One thing I would say, and I and I like you like you mentioned, I've coached a few people, quite a few at super high level. Like, we're talking, you know, 20,000 people signed up to a webinar. Right? It's like this is a big this is a big event. There's a lot of pressure on it. This is what I've noticed people at the highest level is first of all, they do what the mentor says to do. With all of those people, they are incredible outright at what the what they already do. Right? They're already rock stars. But what I've noticed at the highest level when I coach people who are running above $1,000,000 coaching businesses, When I tell them to do something, obviously, I'm sitting in the mentor seat in this moment.

Colin Boyd [00:21:25]:

Right? But but in that moment, if if I'll say, okay. Put that story here. I'll watch their webinar, and they'll do it exactly, as I said. Like, they'll literally they'll have that story there. So they don't try to, like, reinvent it themselves. They literally just listen to what someone's telling them to do if someone's got more more, skills in that area, and they actually do it. And there's this level of execution that they bring that is phenomenal. And, and it's it's it's quite humbling, actually, because when I coach people at that level and I have massive respect for them as entrepreneurs themselves.

Colin Boyd [00:22:08]:

You know? So I'm like, I'm in the seat of going, okay. I'm coaching literally, like, the biggest names in the world. And as I'm doing that, there's this humility that comes over me when I watch their end of production. I'm like, it's so it's so fascinating watching them just do what what we talked about. I know that seems so simple, but I noticed that a lot of people who aren't seeing success, they don't follow the advice of their mentors. They don't follow what their program tells them to do. And they my kids call it kerfuffling around. They kerfuffle.

Colin Boyd [00:22:46]:

They just, like, kerfuffle around, and they just procrastinate. They put it off. But the people at the Heights level, even though they feel scared, they just do it, and they execute it like a Navy Seal, and it's just boom. And now even if they're they're freaking out because they've got all those fears as well. Like, all the fears that come up for you, for me, like, they're telling me this stuff. Like, they're they're afraid as they go to launch. They're afraid that they won't hit their goals. They're afraid that that you know, whatever it is, but they just do it anyway.

Colin Boyd [00:23:19]:

And so there's this sense of of courage that they show in the in the midst of the of the fear that just really sets them apart, and I think anyone can do that. And it's just a gradual process of of that's why I said the idea right at the start of being in programs and learning from people who are ahead of you around specific skill sets that you wanna learn from, and then just literally doing what they tell you to do. And then you get feedback, and then you just do what they tell you to do. And you just keep doing that, and that's how you get great results. That's how I did did it when I first started, and then and then it's just evolved from there. So I would say that that is that's a big thing I've noticed, and they're also just they're very much like everyone else. They're, like, they're human. They've got same fears, same, you know, stuff that comes up as human beings, but they always choose courage.

Colin Boyd [00:24:13]:

That's what I've noticed, and they execute exceptionally. And so, yeah, it's it's cool. It's cool being a part of that.

Bryan McAnulty [00:24:21]:

Yeah. Definitely. So you mentioned it a tiny bit, but creating compelling stories is a crucial skill for converting audiences. So can you walk us through your process for crafting a story that would kind of resonate with somebody and then be able to drive action?

Colin Boyd [00:24:40]:

So the mistake that most people make is that they share a origin story instead of a conversion story. So an origin story is usually the story about your kind of like a lot of your journey into entrepreneurship or why you got into it, maybe a little bit of credibility around what makes you credible to teach and to coach and stuff like that. And but it's very much focused on just your journey. And the frame usually that where that origin story is credited from is this frame of, let me share with the audience a little bit about me so that I am credible and so that they understand who I am. Now that's okay, but the problem with that is that that doesn't really create a compelling drive towards your offer or wanting to work with you. And so I coined this this concept, which is called the conversion story a little while ago. And a conversion story is telling the story that when you tell it, the audience naturally moves towards wanting to use the the, I say, offer, but it's really the vehicle is the the real thing, the vehicle that you teach them to use. So for example, for me, I teach selling on a stage.

Colin Boyd [00:26:13]:

So I could tell so many stories, by the way, about how I got into business. There's, like, probably 30 different stories I could tell. But the 1 story that I tell over and over again is a version of the story I told at the start. Like, when you asked me about how did I get into business, what what got me started, I always come back to that that story. And then I tell another story, which is we started to get into about the webinar one. That's a conversion story for me because it it centered around the vehicle that I help people with. Now if I was still teaching productivity, I would tell a different story. I wouldn't tell the story about speaking.

Colin Boyd [00:26:53]:

I'll tell a story about about a time when I had to make a big change in my life and reorganize myself and really find out what's most important and how I did that in the midst of the challenge I was facing. And it would lead to this idea of that through effective prioritization, you can create the life you've always dreamed of. Right? And so, you know, I would lead towards a different type of vehicle. And so the conversion story basically says, what's the vehicle that you help people with, and what's the story that most powerfully reinforces that? And there's 3 questions a conversion story answers. It is the first question is, are you like me? And so in other words, you have to show your audience that you are like them on some level, And that could be you are like them from the sense of you've struggled like them. You've had challenges like them. It doesn't mean you you're, like, physically like them or culturally like them. It doesn't matter.

Colin Boyd [00:27:55]:

It's are you have you been through challenges, vulnerabilities, difficulties that the audience can relate to? The second question is, can you lead me? And so you have to show in your story that not only are you like them, but you can lead them. And you you've built credibility. You've built strength. You've built, you know, some some level of status potentially that shows that you've grown in this area and see the breakthrough. And then the last question is, is there a path that I can follow? In other words, follow to get the result that you got. And so you have to be really clear at the end of your story with the core most important idea that the audience should walk away with in order to see the breakthrough they wanna see. And so those 3 questions starts to frame a conversion story.

Bryan McAnulty [00:28:47]:

Yeah. Yeah. I like that. I think the it it's kind of maybe the the path is where the disconnect is for some people. Either the the story doesn't connect with the path that they currently wanna sell, as you mentioned. Like, it's a unrelated origin story, or maybe they don't clearly mention that. And they say, like, here, this is where I was. This is how I was like you.

Bryan McAnulty [00:29:13]:

This is, like, my credibility now. Do you want me to help you? And then it's like, oh, maybe. I don't know. What's the path?

Colin Boyd [00:29:21]:

Yeah. Exactly.

Bryan McAnulty [00:29:22]:

So, yeah, that's a that's a cool way of describing it. I like, I like that. I wanna ask another question back on the webinars, though. So if I am going to present, like, either in the webinar, on stage, whatever it is, dealing with objections and resistance is a whole different thing if you haven't been doing that and you're just having an email with somebody when you have to actually do it there live. So how do you handle objections gracefully and then turn that into an opportunity for someone to convert?

Colin Boyd [00:29:56]:

So for me, there's 2 types of objections. There are core objections that are like, the most important objections that you have to answer that are related specifically to your vehicle. So I'll give an example. So for me, my vehicle of, you know, speaking and selling on a stage, a core objection might be, I don't wanna sell because I like, I don't wanna come off pushy. Right? So that could be an objection. So for me, I address that objection directly in my content. Like, I don't leave that till the end. That's that's a core part of what the presentation's about.

Colin Boyd [00:30:36]:

And so the 1st objections you wanna think about is what are the big objections that the audience has to get over in order to say yes to your offer. But you don't frame it as an objection to an offer. You frame it as some helpful concept that will, in other words, like, unlock their resistance. Right? And so you might have 1 to 3 core objections that you address in your content, first of all. And then finally, you know, at the end is a great place to answer further objections. And so you wouldn't frame as as objections as more just, you know, frequently asked questions usually. And so you literally just say the resistance. So it could be, it could be that, hey.

Colin Boyd [00:31:19]:

I'm really busy right now. What should I, you know, should I wait till later to do the course, or should I do it now? Like, I'm just in such a busy season. And so a great way to answer that is is actually with a story or a case study. And so you can pre prepare that sort of stuff. It could be like, you know what? That's that question was exactly what one of our students recently said, Jenny. She wrote in, and she said, Colin, I when I before I joined, I I I was so overwhelmed, and I was so busy. But I just knew that this this was a priority for me. And even though I was busy, I decided that this is gonna be a priority.

Colin Boyd [00:31:58]:

And so I went through it, and in fact, it's actually freed up more time now because instead of doing guesswork, I've actually sped up the process, and I got the result faster than what I had before. And so I always think a great way to reframe is to ask ask a question, which is and you don't ask this to the audience, but you ask it beforehand. You say something like, what's more important than that objection? So for example, if someone says, you know, you know, I don't have time, you what's more important is priority. And you say, well, it's not that you don't have time because everyone has the same amount of time in a day. In fact, probably 3 months from now, you'll be just as busy as you are right now because everything kind of just cascades down. The question is, is this a priority right now? Like, is this something you wanna work on? If it's not, then then don't join. But if it is a priority, then then join because this needs to be a priority. We need to stop putting it off.

Colin Boyd [00:32:55]:

And so, yeah, answering with with stories, answering with metaphors, a really great way to do it. So for example, I could say with that one, I could say, you know, so often we say we don't have time, and then that Netflix series drops that you know, the day in in the day, and you and you didn't realize you forgot it was gonna drop and you had something else on that after that evening, and you're like, no. You know what? I'm gonna do I'm gonna watch this new Netflix series. I've been waiting for this forever, and you prioritize that instead of the other thing. And so it wasn't that you were too busy to watch the Netflix series. It's just that you decided that was the most important thing you wanted to do, which is fine. But but stop telling yourself that you're too busy because that's not actually the truth. The truth is that you're prioritizing other things.

Colin Boyd [00:33:39]:

And so if if this is a priority, then then let's prioritize this.

Bryan McAnulty [00:33:44]:

Yeah. Yeah. I think you described it so well because when you take into account, like, the possible big objections and address those in your presentation, then what it comes down to of what's left is often like it's not really an objection towards your product or to you. It's kind of that the person is just really asking for your permission to say, like, is is this really, like, for me? And you're just giving that to them and letting them know, yeah, the well, this is if that's the choice you wanna make, then, like, here it is. And sometimes, like, people feel uncomfortable when they're gonna spend a lot of money even if they believe it's the right thing for them. And so, basically, just hearing it again from you and, like that's why, like, talking live to people in webinars can be so powerful because you're letting them know. You're like, yep. Like, we we can help you.

Bryan McAnulty [00:34:35]:

Like, we'd be glad to help you with this, and and sometimes that's all it is. So I I guess what I'm saying is for those who are not experienced with this at all and you're nervous about, like, speaking on stage, having a webinar, and being able to to talk with customers potential customers about those questions, realize that sometimes they they kinda just want that okay from you, actually.

Colin Boyd [00:34:58]:

Yeah. Just that confirmation of, oh, so this is the right program for me, and it's gonna solve the thing that I'm looking for.

Bryan McAnulty [00:35:05]:

Yeah. Awesome. Well, I've got 1 more question for you, and that is if you could ask any question to our audience, what would that be? So either something you're curious about or something you kinda wanna get everybody thinking about, what would that be?

Colin Boyd [00:35:22]:

I love questions. So there's probably if I I could sit down and just ask questions all day. I think a question would be a great question I always like to think about that helps me to move forward is, you know, what what would my 90 year old self say to me about this? And because so often we make all our decisions based on where we are right now, but but the big decisions and the big frames are always made more from a legacy perspective from the end of your life. And so you can hear I'm Australian. We moved to America 6 years ago. And the question I asked myself was when I get to the end of my life, is this something that I would regret not doing? And the answer was, yeah. I would. I I would regret not at least giving this a go.

Colin Boyd [00:36:13]:

Like, whether this works out or not, like, if if we fail, we could we move move to America and we fail, then at least I know that I gave it my best shot. And that helped me to make my you know, some of these bigger decisions. It might be around kids. Maybe you're thinking like, you know, I don't know if I really want kids, but it's like you ask the question of, if I get to the end of my life and I look back, would I regret not having kids? You know? Like, if that's something that you can do, you know, it's like, would I regret it? And if the answer is yes, then, like, it helps you to just make those bigger decisions where that you wanna put off in the day to day because you feel like, I don't have time for this. Like, this is too overwhelming. What? My life's too crazy already. And so that question of going to the end of my life has really helped me in making my bigger decisions.

Bryan McAnulty [00:37:02]:

Awesome. Yeah. That's an excellent question. Alright, Colin. Well, before we get going, where else can people find you online?

Colin Boyd [00:37:08]:

Yeah. So I'm quite active on Instagram, so love to connect with you on Instagram. Send me a direct message, and let me know what you got from the podcast if you heard me here. And my Instagram handle is just at colinboyd, c o l I n b o y d. So it's just 1 l, not 2 l's for Colin. And I think the best place for people to get started if they're interested in the conversion story, it's like a simple place to get started. It's just conversion story formula.comconversionstoryformula.com. And if you're a podcast listener, I have a podcast myself, and we release weekly content and that's called the expert edge.

Colin Boyd [00:37:48]:

And so I'd love to connect with you there.

Bryan McAnulty [00:37:51]:

Awesome. Thanks so much, Colin.

Colin Boyd [00:37:59]:


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    About the Host

    Bryan McAnulty is the founder of Heights Platform: all-in-one online course creation software that allows creators to monetize their knowledge.

    His entrepreneurial journey began in 2009, when he founded Velora, a digital product design studio, developing products and websites used by millions worldwide. Stemming from an early obsession with Legos and graphic design programs, Bryan is a designer, developer, musician, and truly a creator at heart. With a passion for discovery, Bryan has traveled to more than 30 countries and 100+ cities meeting creators along the way.

    As the founder of Heights Platform, Bryan is in constant contact with creators from all over the world and has learned to recognize their unique needs and goals.

    Creating a business from scratch as a solopreneur is not an easy task, and it can feel quite lonely without appropriate support and mentorship.

    The show The Creator’s Adventure was born to address this need: to build an online community of creative minds and assist new entrepreneurs with strategies to create a successful online business from their passions.

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