Heights Platform Introducing the Email Editor, Improvements to Projects, and More

Introducing the Email Editor, Improvements to Projects, and More

2 minute read

We just launched a new feature update! You can now customize the system emails that Heights Platform sends your students in a brand new email editor. You can also set a custom unlock point for your projects, and students can now add images to project posts. Additionally, for those with thousands of students, we’ve added a long awaited student search feature in your student list.

Finally, since launch of our language localization release we’ve added support for 5 more languages, now totaling 19 languages!

The highlight of this update is definitely the new email editor. We do our best to make the built-in emails fit the needs of most online course creators because we want you to focus on monetizing your knowledge rather than tinkering with emails. That said, there are a couple common and important reasons why you might want to adjust emails sent to your students:

  • You want to add a custom welcome message providing additional direction to new students who enroll in your program
  • You want to provide another way for your students to contact you if they have questions.
  • You want to add business information, like your business address, to your student payment invoice receipts.
  • You want to translate emails to a different language.

Learn about how the email editor works here: Email Editor Guide

Heights Platform Email Editor
The new email editor allowing you to customize the email notifications sent to your students with HTML and liquid tags.

Release Notes:

  1. Email Editor! - You can now edit the text and HTML of emails that get sent to your students. The email editor also supports liquid tags which allow you to insert dynamic data like a student’s name or email. You can also choose a custom color to make your emails match your brand.
  2. Student Search in Student List - Search your students by name or email. Support for partial searches, so if you can’t remember a student’s full name, you’ll still be able to find them quickly.
  3. Customizable Project Unlock Point - Previously projects became available to your students after completion of your entire program. You can now specify a course for your project and it will become available to your students after they have completed that course.
Heights Platform Climb Outline Project Unlock
Example of a project that has a customized unlock point in the climb outline.
  1. Students can now upload images in their project posts! - In the same way that you add images to your lessons, students can now bulk upload and insert images into their project posts.
  2. Ability to manually customize the course URL - Previously the course URL would auto-update when you changed the name of the course.
  3. Public Landing Pages Consolidated - Student Checkout page, Student Support page, and Terms/Policy page editing has been moved and consolidated to tabs on the landing page edit screen. The landing page edit link on your mentor dashboard has been renamed to “Web Pages” to reflect this change.
Heights Platform Student List Searching
Search students in your program by name or email.


  1. Fix an instance where a student could click on a locked or unreleased lesson and a lesson view would still be recorded even though the student wasn’t able to view the lesson.
  2. Fix rare cases where a student might not see all lessons for a course in the sidebar immediately after purchasing the course.
  3. Fix for inconsistent styling on course descriptions versus what was shown in the editor.
  4. Other minor email fixes and a new default email sending address for every creator at [email protected]

Has COVID forced your training and coaching to move exclusively online? We’ve seen many creators with record revenue and student signups over the past month. If you are one of those creators, we’d love to help share your story. Tell us how the pandemic has impacted your online course business. Read more about how COVID impacted Heights Platform creators.

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