Heights Platform Can You Create Unlimited Online Courses With Kajabi? A Better Kajabi Alternative

Can You Create Unlimited Online Courses With Kajabi? A Better Kajabi Alternative

7 minute read

Kajabi is an online course platform that lets creators sell courses and digital products and offers different marketing tools to promote an online business.

Kajabi is a popular tool among online marketers and infopreneurs, but its pricing plans are higher than many alternatives.

Can you Create Unlimited Courses on Kajabi?

No, Kajabi limits how many online courses you can create.

You can only create three products on Kajabi's lowest pricing plan (Kajabi Basic Plan), which costs $119/month (paid annually).

Their suggested pricing plan - Kajabi Growth Plan - is $159/month (paid annually), allows you to create up to 15 products.

Even if you choose their more expensive Kajabi Pro Plan $319/month (paid annually), you still cannot create unlimited courses and are limited to 100 products.

These limits are calculated based on "products."

What counts as a product in Kajabi?

Products are all ways to package valuable content in Kajabi. An online course, a membership site and digital products are all examples of "products" you can sell.

So the limits in Kajabi's pricing plans are not only for courses but can also include any other product you might want to sell.

Most online course creators complement their course offerings with other add-on products, such as digital downloads or coaching programs for their students. If you want to grow a successful online course business by diversifying your product offerings, Kajabi's limits might become problematic.

So how can you create unlimited courses and still get access to features similar to Kajabi's ones?

How Can You Create Unlimited Courses?

On Kajabi you cannot create unlimited courses, and it can become costly to simply have a few products you are selling.

You need an online course platform that lets you create unlimited online courses plus offers the same quality features as Kajabi. We believe creators should be able to create without limits to experiment with new product ideas to add value to their audience without having to worry about spending potentially hundreds of dollars more per month to do so (which is especially difficult when starting out and figuring out what you want to sell).

The limits of 3 or 15 products in Kajabi might seem ok at the beginning when you are just starting out with your course business.

However, as you grow, you might need to create more products and diversify your offerings.

Heights Platform is the best alternative to Kajabi for online course creation, which lets you create unlimited courses, membership sites, challenges and digital products!

Similar to Kajabi, Heights Platform doesn't charge any transaction fees or take any percentage of your earnings!

Here we describe how Heights Platform compares to Kajabi in more detail: Heights Platform vs Kajabi - The Best Alternative to Kajabi.

Create Unlimited Online Courses With Heights Platform

Heights Platform is the all-in-one course creation software that allows you to create, host, and manage all aspects of your online knowledge business.

Unlike Kajabi, Heights Platform enables you to generate as many products as you desire, giving you the freedom to experiment with new business concepts and try out new ideas without worrying about limits.

Our user-friendly Web Page Builder lets you create beautiful websites with unlimited landing pages, eliminating the need to acquire coding skills or invest in extra website tools to launch your business.

You can effortlessly design attractive and effective sales pages for all of your products.

On Heights Platform, you can set up a thriving online community to keep in touch with your students, spark new interactions and build meaningful connections.

Heights also includes email marketing features, your affiliate program, and engaging gamification tools, so you don’t have to pay for extra tools and software. Creators can also issue course completion certificates for their students!

What Products Can You Sell on Heights Platform?

On Heights Platform's Basic, Pro and Academy plans, you can build and sell unlimited courses and products. Let's see what products you can create:

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Sell Unlimited Online Courses

A course inside Heights Platform is a collection of lessons and modules, and other learning materials.

Heights gives you full flexibility on how to structure your course content and manage its delivery.

Our Climb Outline feature helps creators to visualize their content, courses, lessons and modules from a bird's eye view so that you can structure your ideas more efficiently.

You can create lessons and modules and organize them by dragging and dropping them.

heights platform climb outline

A course in Heights Platform can have different delivery methods, let's see a few examples of what you can achieve:

  • Set up a drip in your course lessons: you can choose to drip-feed your lessons, meaning that lessons become available to students only after a set amount of time, usually a number of days since they enrolled in your course.
  • Lock course lessons: you can also set your lessons to be "locked". This makes lessons available to students only once they complete the previous lesson in the course.
  • Multiple launch settings: you can leave your course enrollment open at all times or set a launch date. You can set a single future launch date for your course, meaning that students can purchase your course at any time but only access its content after the launch date. Alternatively, you can set multiple launch dates, what we call "rolling launches". This is useful for creators who wish to have batches of students go through their program at the same time. For example, holding a Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter course launch. Students can purchase your course at any time but will only be granted access on/after the selected launch dates.

Learn more about the launch settings here: Selling Evergreen Online Courses Versus Scheduling Multiple Launches. Which is Better?

Sell Membership Sites

A membership site or program provides access to exclusive content that is restricted to its members. As the creator, you can charge your members a monthly or annual subscription fee. This way, members can access your exclusive content and a range of products.

Entrepreneurs and creators can monetize their knowledge, establish a committed online community, and generate recurring revenue for their businesses with membership sites.

With Heights, you can create and sell membership sites that fit your business. Sell membership site access to your online courses, digital downloads, coaching sessions and more.

You can set a monthly or annual subscription amount for members to access your program or charge installments.

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Sell Digital Products

With Heights Platform, you have the ability to market and sell downloadable digital products as complementary supplements to your program.

Digital products are preferred as they allow you to earn additional revenue from your teaching content. The Digital Product feature has functionalities to help you manage and monitor your sales, including built-in download tracking.

Sell digital products with Heights Platforms online course platform

Here are some examples of digital products you can create:

  • Downloadable Project Files - For example, if you are teaching a course on photography, you might sell a download of some of your photography filter presets.
  • Additional Learning Materials - PDFs, Presentation Slides, or add-on downloadable material that supplements your courses.
  • Coaching/Consulting Packages - You could sell an add-on personal consulting session available for purchase for those of your students who want more personalized help.
  • Online or In-Person Events - Similar to the consulting package, you could sell access to a private online meeting or even a live event.
  • Other Services - You can use digital products to sell your services.

Sell Online Challenges

One of the standout features that sets Heights Platform apart from competitors, such as Kajabi, is its capability to develop and facilitate online challenges.

Challenges, also known as cohort-based courses, are online courses that begin and conclude on specific calendar dates.

launch an online challenge with Heights Platform online course software

Challenges are an excellent way to enhance engagement, foster accountability among students, and promote other products within your program. As these courses have specific start and end dates, students go through the content together and are more likely to engage with one another and the material.

With Heights Platform, you can schedule release and expiration dates for each challenge lesson, enable comments, promote additional products, and automate emails for each lesson release. Additionally, restarting a completed challenge is as simple as clicking a button!

Create an Online Community

Building an online community is a great way to keep students active in your course as they learn at their own pace and promote peer-to-peer learning.

Encouraging social learning by setting up a community within your program can significantly boost student engagement and motivation. A community provides an avenue for students to share ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback to one another.

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With Heights Platform, the online community is directly integrated into your program and can be set up in a few easy steps. Course creators can establish stronger connections among students and build an interactive program by promoting interaction, collaboration, personalization, and inclusivity.

On Heights, you have the flexibility to structure your community as you see fit: creating channels for various topics, grouping them into channel groups, creating private channels for certain students, and moderating community posts, among other features.

Create a Project

Heights Platform offers a unique feature called Projects, which enables students to demonstrate their application of course material.

Projects provide a hands-on experience for students to put what they've learned into practice, making it a more effective approach than standard tests or quizzes. Including at least one project in your course is highly recommended!

Your Project should test the learner's ability to apply their newly acquired knowledge in a manner that aligns with the objectives of your course or program. For instance, if your course teaches web development, the Project could be named "Build Your First Website", where students would submit their work for evaluation.

Students can give feedback and vote on their peers' Projects and submit their own once they have completed the course and achieved the course's learning outcomes.

Sell a Collection of Products (Bundles)

A bundle is a package of courses, digital products, projects, and/or community channels that can be sold using one-time fee, installment, or subscription pricing plans.

Why Heights Platform is the best online course software

Bundles offer Heights creators so much flexibility in how they can structure their learning content. Common uses for bundles include offering a special deal to your audience with a discounted package, selling courses with multiple pricing options, setting up a membership and more.

Create Your Online Knowledge Business with Heights Platform

While Kajabi limits the number of courses and products you can create, Heights Platform is the all-in-one platform that lets you sell unlimited products from the Basic plan and up.

In this article, we covered how Heights Platform is a better Kajabi's alternative when it comes to what you can create, as it gives you all the tools to build a successful online business that can scale. Plus, Heights Platform doesn't charge any transaction fees and doesn't take any percentage of your earnings!

Learn more about the differences between Kajabi and Heights Platform.

Unlimited courses on Kajabi is not an option, so try out Heights Platform for yourself! Create your free trial today:

Create Your Online Course Today
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