Heights Platform Arts & Crafts Online Courses: How to Turn Your Passion Into a Business

Arts & Crafts Online Courses: How to Turn Your Passion Into a Business

4 minute read

Are you an artist, business owner or simply have a passion for arts and crafts? Then this is your sign to start creating an online course.

During the past years, online courses have become increasingly popular, especially in the DIY and arts & craft sector.

So if you are thinking about turning your hobby into a business and starting to sell online courses, this article is for you. Let' see what are the benefits of selling online courses teaching arts & crafts:

Benefits of Creating an Online Course for your Arts & Crafts Business

Bringing your training or hobby online by selling courses has many benefits. There are so many benefits to selling online courses for a living, including financial freedom, offering a high value to your students, monetizing your passion, high-profit margins and so on...

Learn all the benefits of creating an online course business: The Benefits of Selling Online Courses vs Other Ways to Make Money Online

Here is why you should consider creating an online course for your arts & crafts business:

Monetize Your Passion

If you have a hobby or you are passionate about something, why not create a business and profit from it?

Have you ever dreamed about making a living by doing something you love and are passionate about? By creating an online course, you get to teach and share your knowledge with the world while doing something you are passionate about.

Reach a Bigger Audience

Online courses allow you to reach an international audience and scale your business much faster compared to in-person classes. By putting your course online, you can gain students from all over the world and reach a broader audience.

As your income is not tied to your time, you have the possibility to create a leveraged income stream, meaning that by creating your online course once, you can sell it over and over again without having to sacrifice your time.

Low Initial Investment

If the monetary investment has been holding you up from creating your own business, with online courses you need very little money to get started.

All you need is your knowledge and a few inexpensive pieces of software. If you are on a tight budget, selling online courses certainly is a low-risk investment.

The low costs of online courses also mean that you can achieve high-profit margins as a creator. Especially if you decide to create your own business rather than selling through a marketplace, you can set the price you want for your online course and you don't have to pay any commission or transaction fees.

Learn more about this: Online Course Software vs Marketplace - Which is Better for Your Business?

Provide Real Value

Another reason why a lot of creators decide to start their online courses is to help other people and provide value to their students.

Whether you sell art, DIY, painting, sewing or drawing courses, your program will be something truly unique and irreplaceable that your students will value.

With an online course, you are helping people solve a specific problem, providing real value, and sometimes even changing their lives. By doing so, you end up building a business that has meaning, one where you’ll feel motivated to invest time and effort.

What Makes an Arts & Craft Online Course Successful?

Now that you know all the benefits and reasons why you should start selling online courses for your arts & crafts business, let's see how exactly you can get started and the main ingredients of what makes an art online course successful:

A Dedicated Online Course Platform

One of the first things to figure out as a creator is which online course platform you should use. There are many online course platforms out there that offer all kinds of functions and features. So how do you choose which online course software is right for you?

This ultimately depends on your goals, needs and budget.

For art & crafts online course you should look out for features that are beneficial to you and your future students: you need to offer high quality and fast loading videos to showcase your work and process. You need a platform that is easy to use and not too technical, so you and your students can immediately understand how it works.

We wrote a whole article on how to choose the perfect online course platform for your business and what you should focus on when making this decision: Top 10 Things to Look For When Choosing the Perfect Online Course Platform

Structure and Business Model

Before you get started creating the content of your online course lessons, it can help to have a clear idea of how your online course should be structured and what business model to follow.

Arts & craft is an extremely flexible niche that can adapt to any business model out there. Check out this list of all business models you can choose: Find the Right Business Model to Start Selling Online Courses

Our recommendation to find the business model most suited for your business is to analyze your audience first. Find out who is your ideal customer and try to understand what kind of online course would suit best with their lifestyle.

Most people who purchase arts & crafts online courses are looking to learn a new hobby, so they might not have all the time in the world to only focus on your online course. If this is the case, you might want to choose a business model where students go through the course quickly and reach their goals in a relatively fast way.

An example of this could be a standard online course, an online challenge or a membership site where students can go through the content at their own pace.

Qualitative Content and How-To Videos

Another extremely important step to creating a successful online course for your arts and craft business is to provide qualitative content to your students.

Video is an integral part of teaching online, especially when it comes to an art online course. Students need to be able to effectively visualize the content in order to reproduce the work and techniques at home.

Heights Platform is the perfect hosting tool for your arts and craft online courses, as it offers qualitative and fast video players with unlimited storage options.

If you are not sure how to create professional videos for your online course or which equipment to use, check out this video: Best Equipment to Record an Online Course (Ultimate Creator Setup 2022)

A Strong Marketing Strategy

Now that you set up your Heights Platform account, decided on how to structure your online course and created your video content, it is time to promote your new arts & crafts program to the world!

There are so many ways you can use to advertise an online course. We always advise our creators to start with organic marketing instead of spending money on paid ads. Growing an online course organically includes sharing on social media, creating a blog, leveraging word of mouth marketing, email marketing and so on.

Check out this guide to learn all the ways you can use to promote your new arts & craft online course: A Complete Guide on How to Promote Your Online Course and Boost Sales

Create Your Online Course Today