Creator Stories:
Launch a 6-figure online course in one year: Learn how marketing queen Barb McGrath did it.
Barb McGrath is a Canadian entrepreneur, businesswoman, and loving mother of two who helps other business owners grow their online visibility and increase their sales through online marketing and SEO.
After opening her own marketing agency, she then decided to start an online course with Heights Platform. Today her course GetFound generates a 6-figure income and represents the main revenue stream for her family.
"In my first year with Heights Platform, I achieved my goal to earn 6 figures from my course, and I’ve been able to attract students from around the world.”

Barb's Story
Coming from a small community in Canada, Barb grew up in a very traditional environment. Her family’s expectations for her future were clear: attending a good university and then starting a corporate career.
And that’s exactly what she did.
“I always envisioned a corporate job, pencil skirts, high heels so I followed that path for a number of years. I had executive jobs in private corporations and I liked it, it was good, I had a good paycheck. But it wasn't everything.”
After climbing the corporate ladder for many years, Barb decided that she wanted more from her life.
When her husband had the opportunity to switch jobs and move to a different city, it seemed like the perfect chance for Barb to start her new life as an entrepreneur.
“And so I left a very well paying job, and decided to start my own business”
This is when she decided to open her own marketing agency, which later transformed into the online course of today.
“I started off in a traditional environment, with a corporate job and a career, and ended up in a totally different place I had never envisioned. But the quality of life that has come with it, totally worth it. Totally worth it.”
The marketing agency - called ‘Above the Fold’ - is now linked with her Heights Platform online courses at GetFound.
From mini-course to a 6-figure business
When Barb started her course, her main focus was still on the marketing agency, where she was offering in-person consultation to a small group of local business owners.
The idea of starting an online course came as a solution for a problem: the in-person classes were time-consuming and repetitive, and she could only reach a small number of people at a time.
So she started putting together a mini-course, and the results from this were immediately tangible! Barb and her clients would save time and money, as the classes were hosted online and could reach a much larger audience.
Happy with the success of this small beta-course, Barb wanted to do more. She wanted to grow her online classes and invest in building a more comprehensive online program. However, the marketing agency was already very busy, and there wasn’t simply enough time or resources to invest in the project.
Until Covid-19 hit, she kept delivering the mini-course and focusing most of her energies on working at the agency.
Once the lockdown started and her job shifted online, it provided the time needed for Barb to realize her dream of a more complete, longer online course.

“When COVID hit, that was the impetus to take this mini-course, turn it into a full-blown 60-hours course, and run with it. And so that's what we ended up doing, and obviously had good success with it.”
Barb turned this sideline project into her main source of income.

"In my first year with Heights Platform, I achieved my goal to earn 6 figures from my online course."
An Easy Transition
A common misconception about online courses is that you need to be an expert in technology and everything that comes with it.
With Heights Platform, it is extremely easy to set up a professional online program, with its own lessons, modules, courses, and landing pages all built for you.
The only thing that you need to do is create content and possibly purchase a few inexpensive pieces of equipment for your video recordings.
Since Barb started her online course during the Covid-19 pandemic, the challenging part was to find the right equipment to deliver quality content.
“Because we were in a lockdown, my biggest challenge was around tech. And thank God for you guys for your help! Because otherwise I would have been lost. I had this dinky little webcam and even though I knew how to use technology when it comes to a digital course, you need to be performing at a much higher level.”
While we are flattered by Barb’s nice words about Heights' support team, she does make a good point about the importance of choosing the right equipment.
If you - like Barb - are feeling that technology is creating about as many problems as it is solving, or have any questions about online courses, our support team is ready to help you.